Description of The Web

The Web is something that we all take for granted today. The extraordinary rise of the web was not inevitable in fact it faced a lot of challenges as it was evolving. A few core ideas contributed significantly to its becoming the dominant architecture. The web is a phenomenon unlike anything you have seen before. Involving the streams of Hire Php Web Developer India and more, the web comprises many software too. Hire Php Web Developer India is just one, however apart from Hire Php Web Developer India, one can go for Java, Laravel, Android and more.

There are more than 20 Trillion pages. On any day there are more than a hundred million active sites. There are more than 20 Billion devices that connect to the Internet every single day from servers to garages openers to thermometers.

Its size is not the only reason for it being extraordinary. We have had many generations of computing mainframes, personal computers and before that we have had things like Automobiles, Air conditioners and refrigerators. Each of them went through a phase where they developed rapidly and afterwards they all stagnated.

The internet and the web seems to be different, it started off in the 70s for the purpose of sharing compute resources. In the 80s email was introduced for the task of sharing papers which became significant and in the 90s we had large-scale information dissemination. In the 2000s and 2010's we had mobile internet and now we have the Internet of Things and who knows what is going to come next. So why do we want to study the web?

I believe that it is an interesting showcase for some very powerful but very simple ideas. Some of the ideas are revolutionary like the peer-to-peer network. Others are more humble like the GIF. Among them are astounding technological achievements, new economic models, ideas that break national borders, ideas that blur the boundary between generating and exchanging ideas and ideas that have changed the world. Perhaps most important are the design breakthroughs that opened up the web to a mass audience. Without these the web would still be the playground of engineers and computer programmers. But now it is a place for everyone.

They different Design Breakthroughs:

1. Graphical User Interface; It is a user interface that includes graphical elements, such as windows, icons and buttons. The term was created within the 1970s to differentiate graphical interfaces from text-based ones. Inspired by the work of Vannevar Bush and Ivan Sutherland, Engelbart online System (NLS) was the first implementation of a GUI, a virtual desktop incorporating windows, menus, icons, and folders. For industries which were involved in handling punch cards and command lines, this was radical thinking. While most computer scientists were focusing on making computers smarter, Douglas Engelbart was interested in how computers could make humans smarter.

2. The Emoticon; In 1963 State Mutual Life hired cartoonist Harvey Ball to create a smiley face for the company’s “Friendship” campaign. He designed a circular yellow face with two black dots for eyes and an easy curve for a mouth. It took him 10 minutes and he was paid $45. In 1970, brothers Bernard and Murray Spain added the line “Have a Nice Day” and sold millions of dollars worth of merchandise. Harvey Ball’s design had gone global.




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