The Need of Antivirus Software

 The Hire Android App Developer India and the IOS App Development India states that, if you’ve recently purchased a computer, or are just learning about using email and the internet, you may have heard about computer viruses and anti-virus software. You may be wondering if this is something that you should be concerned about, and if so, what you should do about it. The Android Developers India via this article will attempt to answer these questions for you.

First, you may be wondering just what a computer virus is. Basically a computer virus is one of many types of small programs that install themselves on your computer without your consent. Usually they enter your program through an email, or while you are browsing a website.

When these programs run, usually without you knowing, they can cause all types of problems with your computer. Some viruses can be mildly annoying, slowing down your computer as they use your computer’s resources for another purpose. Others can be very dangerous, collecting your personal information and sending it to another party, or damaging your hard-drive.

True to their name, viruses are able to use your internet connection and email program and send themselves to the computers of other people you know, spreading themselves just like a contagious disease.

Because of this, just like the health of your body, when it comes to computer viruses, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is much easier to prevent viruses from entering your computer than it is to get rid of them and cure your computer once it becomes infected. This is why Anti-Virus software is important.


Cyber-safety may be a common term wont to describe a group of practices, measures and/or actions you'll be able to fancy shield personal data and your laptop from attacks.

Cyber-security threats:

First, allow us to name some common cyber-security threats and issues they will cause.


Viruses are those which infect computers through email attachments. These emails are sent by the hacker to the user and file sharing is another technique. They delete files, attack different computers, and make your laptop run slowly. One infected laptop will cause issues for all computers on a network.


Hackers are people that “trespass” into your laptop from a foreign location. They'll use your laptop to send spam or viruses, host an online website, or do different activities that cause laptop malfunctions.

Identity Thieves:

People who acquire unauthorized access to your personal data, like social insurance and money account numbers. They then use this data to commit crimes like fraud or larceny.


Spyware is software package that “piggybacks” on programs you transfer, gathers data regarding your online habits, and transmits personal data while not your data. It's going to additionally cause a good variety of different laptop malfunctions.

Consequences of Inaction:

In addition to the risks known, you may face a variety of different consequences if you fail to require actions to safeguard personal data and your laptop. Consequences include:

  • loss of access to the campus computing network
  • Loss of confidentiality, integrity.
  • Lawsuits and prosecution.



  1. Thats wonderful your blog is very accurate up to the mark easy to understand and connect. cyber crime arise a lot nowadays so antivirus is very very important for the safety purpose.
    website design development


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