Global Websites Using PHP


As the technical world is entering the phase of metaverse, many elite organizations are thus using very intimidating large-scaled tech stacks as their back-end, where on the other hand thousands of organizations are using PHP for their big employed and successful projects on hand. According to the Hire Php Developer India, in the Fortune 500 tech startups, there are names of big giant companies in the market having a solid decades of experience such as slack, etsy etc. to be a part of using PHP in their back-end. The Hire Php Web Developer India states that many companies across the globe use Php in their very end-to end computing infrastructure as well, whether either they are using Php to run one of the world’s largest ride-sharing databases in stock or in the field of slack deploying, PHP is known for serving the majority of the server side application logic in the world, providing world-class support gain by building small-yet large mobile and web product network.

The Hire Php Web Developer India, giving a small insight about the birth of PHP, starting out as a small open-source project in the year 1994, where Rasmus Lerdorf indeed unleashed PHP as a main intuitive server-side scripting language. A short rundown of PHP are as follows:

● The acronym of PHP stands for Hypertext Processor

● PHP is widely used in the small and in the large industrial application segment, which mainly exists as an open-source scripting language.

● The PHP scripts are thoroughly executed and are then directly combined on the server end.

● PHP compilers thus have extensions which are free to download and can be used

Thus, the top 3 giant companies using PHP in 2022 are as follows:

● Facebook: Facebook is known to be one of the most notorious and happening social media web applications in the market with a successful user base of more than 1.49 billion active users in today’s date, where Facebook was mainly developed with using PHP as it’s base. Facebook has taken full advantage of PHP’s capabilities to generate a sheer dynamic content in just seconds since it’s birth in 2004. According to its conception, the entire core of Facebook application code was both written by Moskowitz and Mark Zuckerberg, which led to a sheer domino effect with now Facebook standing to be as a large pool where PHP is still used at it’s backend. Facebook introduced HipHop for PHP in the year 2010, where a transpiler and a compiler that mainly translates the source code into the source code of another language was used. Eventually it was discontinued and was replaced by HipHop Virtual Machine.

● Wikipedia: Wikipedia is known to be one of the most visited public informational websites which uses PHP as their programming language along with the use of MySQL/Maria DB being in their database backend. Compared with Facebook, in the year 2014, Wikipedia switched to HHVM and then loaded the page data nearly twice as fast.

● Tumblr: Tumblr is known to be the birthplace of memes, where the community had over 325 million blogs with 555 million monthly visitors on move. Thus, in 2016, the company transitioned to PHP7, with counting the performance upticks and a new language feature on more to implement and include scalar type hints which do have return type declarations as well.

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