iOS App Development, Simplified!


Probably more than half of the people who come up with app ideas have no idea how they are developed. And I'd say that is pretty normal. It seems pretty simple: I want my app to do this and I want to make money. If only it were that simple. Unfortunately, ios app development india I'm about to bust some bubbles, but the sooner you find out the better!

Let's say you have an iPhone app idea that requires the user to have a login or a basic way for the user to receive info. Great! Now you must have a server to store data. This is where I will introduce you to Application Programming Interface (API). This is where angularjs development company india you (or your developer) create a language for your application to communicate with the server. There is no standard way to do this - it is your Hire AngularJS Developers in India creative language that forms a two-way communication process. iPhone ←→ Server, bam!

APIs allow a website or service to communicate with another website/service, and that allows information to mix in from that source to your app. So, this is great because they allow anyone to create an app on top of what these sites already have. It's mixing, matching, and mashing at its finest. You need a language to be able to communicate effectively. Therefore, APIs must exist to develop your app!

Now, let's move on to the design, exciting! You start with a User Interface and you have two options: standard or customized. The UI is important; it's the foundation of your app and how the users will use it. The coding part is too technical for me and beyond my understanding but, what I gathered is you need a blueprint of exactly what you want before you start. Once you start building and then decide down the road you want to change where a window goes... and yeah, you get my point.

From all that was mentioned above, and grasping the "it's like building a house" analogy, it is safe to say that the time frame and cost of app developmentaren’t so cut and dry either. A basic four walls, two windows, and a one-door house versus a mansion are going to have completely different variations with both those factors. During the process of developing an app, you have to gather the requirements, build a design, and code, and then a week or two to test the app (which is extremely important). The complexity of your app and its features/functionality can usually range between 3 weeks to 3 months, give or take.

If you have high expectations for the design quality, you might want to pay a little more. But, if the design isn't as important and you want something relatively basic, then yes, go for a lesser hourly rate. The easiest solution: do your research. And make sure you feel comfortable and confident with your developer. You can hire the best IOSapp developers with our help.

Ultimately, this is the gist of things without getting too technical and there are other phases mixed in with the mentioned ones above. Unless you want to make an offline app that doesn't require any data from its users, then this information doesn't apply to you. Disclaimer: patience is needed when developing an app!



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