What is the salary of AngularJS developer in India?


If you are looking to find out the salary of an AngularJS developer in India then you have come to the right place. We have put together various online recruitment websites to help you find the current job openings for an AngularJS developer in India. These websites also offer detailed information about the required education, basic Salary, cities and states where job opportunities are available and many other things. You can check salary details by simply entering the keywords along with your location and profession. To know more about a particular job opening or how to apply for it, click on that particular link as Hire AngularJS Developers in India

AngularJS Developer

AngularJS is an open source web framework that is used to build Single-page applications. It is one of the most used web application frameworks in the market.

Now when we are discussing the salary of an AngularJS developer in India then we can say that we are spoilt for choice when it comes to so many job opportunities across the country. Due to its popularity, it is one of the most sought after jobs in India.

There are many companies that use AngularJS as their main application framework. Companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Linkedin, Airbnb and Airbnb are some of the many companies that use AngularJS in their business.

Now if you are looking to find out the salary of an AngularJS developer in India then you have come to the right place. We have put together various online recruitment websites to help you find the current job openings for an AngularJS developer in India. These websites also offer detailed information about the required education, basic Salary, cities and states where job opportunities are available and many other things. You can check salary details by simply entering the keywords along with your location and profession. To know more about a particular job opening or how to apply for it, click on that particular link as well

How to Become an AngularJS Developer?

AngularJS Developers have to have experience in coding languages such as Java, Objective-C, JavaScript and HTML etc. They have to have a good understanding of server-side coding languages to build effective end-to-end web application architecture. You can learn AngularJS by enrolling in professional web development training classes.

Besides the above mentioned requirements, it is very important to have an analytical and problem-solving approach to your work. You have to be good at picking the right technology stack for your organization’s business requirements. You have to be an expert at project management too.

AngularJS Developer Pay in India

The average salary for AngularJS Developers in India is around Rs. 5 Lakhs per annum. This amount is for fresher and experienced developers. The salary for experienced AngularJS Developers is more than the salary for freshers because of the development experience and skill that they have in the field.

AngularJS developer requirements

Project management skills : To manage a project you need to be a good project manager. You have to manage the resources of your team members and the deadline of your project. You also need to understand the scope of the project, the business requirements and how they will be implemented in your application. Strong interaction with the end-users : The applications that you are working on must have strong end-user interface. So you have to have strong working knowledge of user interface design and its implementation i.e. HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS etc. Strong knowledge of networking technologies : The applications that you are working on must have strong networking technologies. For example, AngularJS has a built-in REST API so you have to be well-versed with REST API. Strong knowledge of database technologies : The application must have strong knowledge of data modeling and database technologies. For example, in AngularJS, one can have many custom attributes that can be associated with the data items. To have better understanding of an application, you can click on the link to get more insights

Salary for AngularJS Developer in India

The salary for a good AngularJS Developer in India can range from Rs. 2-3 Lakhs per annum depending on the experience that they have. The developer must have at least 2 years of experience in the industry. They can easily get a job in big IT companies, start-ups and government organizations.

Final Words

AngularJS has become very popular in recent time and it will continue to gain popularity in coming years. The demand for AngularJS Developers is expected to grow very fast in the coming years. Therefore, it is a good time to start learning AngularJS.

You can learn AngularJS by enrolling in professional web development training classes. You have to have good knowledge of development languages like HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, AngularJS etc. Besides these, you also have to have good project management skills and strong knowledge of networking technologies like REST API, JSON, XML etc.

You can also look for jobs on online recruitment websites and make sure that you apply for the right job openings that are related to AngularJS. You can also join online learning platforms like Code school, Pluralsight and Udemy to learn AngularJS.

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This article was originally published at https://www.holha.net/blogs/8748/What-is-the-salary-of-AngularJS-developer-in-India


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